Our activities include, but are not limited to:
I. Offering regular worship services according to the Rites and Traditions of the Holy Orthodox Church.
II. Engaging in almsgiving to the poor.
III. Instructing the youth and guiding adults in the religious tenets and practices of Holy Orthodoxy and;
IV. Providing religious/spiritual support to our neighbors and community both near and far.
As a religious community founded in heaven yet working out our salvation here on earth in the midst of a community of friends and neighbors, we declare our intent to engage in any and all fundraising activities and/or other ethical business practices that will enable us to meet our material needs. We intend to acquire real property as well as other tangible and intangible assets in order to for us to fulfill the objectives and purpose our mission,
Furthermore, we declare our intent to foster a community of love and respect by faithful observance to the Traditions and Practices of our Holy Fathers and Mothers, the Holy Ones of God, His Saints, who have pleased God throughout the ages. It is through the prayers of our Holy Fathers and Mothers and the eternal blessings of God that we are, and hope to be, worthy of the name Orthodox Christian.