We, the Koinovia (Brethren) of the Evangelist Luke Orthodox Mission Church, owing all our good works and blessings to our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, through the intercessions of His All Pure and Holy Mother, the Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary along with His Chosen Ones, the Saints, declare our resolve and intent, with the blessings of our Lord and Father, Hilarion, Metropolitan of the Eastern American Diocese and First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, to:
I. Establish a religious community fully compliant and faithful to the ancient traditions, canons and ascetical practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
II. Apply the full “Armor of God” (cf. Eph. 6:10ff) that will empower our members to fulfill their fundamental Christian calling to become stewards of God's commandments in order to heal and teach our neighbors and to guide our youth as they encounter an increasingly secularized world.
III. To provide a safe harbor to any and all individuals seeking an earnest relationship with the Living God in Trinity, Who in the Person of Jesus Christ is "the Truth, the Way and the Life." (cf. Jn, 14:6ff)